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FACIALS - Hydradermie 60 minutes

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£20 BOOK
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£40 BOOK


GUINOT hydradermie is our exclusive star treatment facial using Galvanic
and High Frequency. Penetration of positive and negative active ions,
saponification of fatty acids down to the sebaceous gland. Double
ionisation - penetration of the active ingredients deep into the skin
for optimal results and the high frequency oxygenats the cells,
activates the microcirculation and creates an anti-bacterial barrier.
Relaxing massage, mask and cream are finishing the treatment. Depends of
the skin type and condition a different GUINOT products are used for the
best results.

For oily skin, lightening results, in case of severe dehydration 1
treatment a week for 4 weeks is recommended, 1 a month as a maintanance
to keep your skin hydrate and tonned.


- pacemaker

- metal prostheses in the skull or in shoulder girdle

- pregnancy

- epilepsy

- allergy